How To Make A Likker Title For digg!

How To Make A Killer Title For Digg!

Filed Under (Social Networking) by Salman Mansoor on 13-08-2008

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What does your title say to your reader is the very first thing that brings them to read it further. There are zillions of web pages out there, so do you think that they will read it just because you wrote it, unless you’re Mukesh Ambani or people of that category!

The very first step you must put in is to decide a “killer” title. That blows out, other’s! I was looking to the stories that hit front page of digg, and found one thing in common, an outstanding title. Top diggers know it very well, they can catch you attention even when you are looking through the upcoming stories section.

I had a privilege to talk to one of the social media mavens and an active digger, Tal Siach, who told me that title were one of the most important things for any story to get noticed and to hit the front page (of course the content needs to be good as well) .He also listed a few examples of stories and their titles that hit front page often.

1. Lists do Wonders: Top 10 Reasons, 5 Simple Ways. These kinds of lists do wonders and are the most favorite among the diggers and hit the front page often. You must use numbers, this helps in catching the attention of the voter.

2. How Tos/Why does: How to Make a Rocket. These are the second type of stories that hit the front page often.
how to

3. Political Issues: Jon Stewart reacts to press coverage of Hillary crying. This is yet again a kind of title that catches your attention.
political issues

4. Hot News: Snow Falls in Baghdad For First Time in 100 Years. You see how does the digger has used the numbers in this eye catchy title.
hot news

5. Business Deals: Starbuck Vs MacDonalds. These kind of stories are also very eye catchy.
business deals

6. Science-Fiction: UFOs Sited Over San Diego on New Years Eve. Got the attention, got the vote!

7. Best of Stuffs: Best of Adobe Photoshop Tutorials. Again a type of story that get hit.
best of

8. Microsoft and Bill Gates: Why Microsoft Must Control One Laptop Per Child. It seems that any story of Microsoft hit to front page.

9. Apple and Steve Jobs: Same with Apple.

10. Digg and Kevin Rose: And same with Digg. Well diggers just love to read good things about digg.

As you could see from the examples, they have one thing in common. They have a unique and attractive “title”. So you must write a killer title to blow your competition away!

Popularity: 50% [?]

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